New products
The right style for your business
Promo77 is a B2B company that sells promotional items and custom clothing based in Bologna. Since 1997 we have been designing coordinated and customized collections of tailor-made clothing with matching accessories, combining creativity and experience to achieve the best result. We plan and deal with the same enthusiasm and expertise, projects and productions of all entities, devoting attention to offering high-performance, safe and comfortable garments at the best economic conditions. Furthermore, in our laboratories, you can also start productions for small quantities of items such as Polo, Sweatshirts, Pants, Sleeveless and Soft Shell.
Find the right gadget for the occasion
How we customize your gadget
We offer you support services right away, because every promotional gadget must respect budget, timing and target.
There are many items to choose from, from those in the catalogues to those less conventional.
We help you navigate the many market opportunities by offering a range of targeted solutions.
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Promo 77’s ideas
La Giornata Mondiale della Pizza: una storia croccante e golosa dal 1889
Ah, la pizza! Se c’è un piatto che ha conquistato il mondo intero, è proprio lei: la regina della tavola, dalle pizzerie di Napoli ai fast-food di New York. Domani, giovedì 16 gennaio, si celebrerà la Giornata Mondiale della Pizza, una festività che unisce le persone in tutto il mondo sotto l'insegna del pomodoro, della mozzarella e, naturalmente, della creatività.