Teddy bear key ring

Product ID code: 100531250 - 04

Teddy bear plush key ring. 100% cotton t-shirt for logo imprint.

€ 2,44

Unir price (price for 1000 products with cheaper printing)

Available colors

Availability Blu: 16515

Product configuration

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Print position
Teddy bear key ring front 04


25 mm

20 mm

Teddy bear key ring back 04


25 mm

20 mm

Teddy bear key ring front ts 04


30 mm

20 mm

Teddy bear key ring back ts 04


30 mm

20 mm

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Your quote

  • Print price EUR
  • Neutral item price EUR
  • Total price excluding VAT EUR
  • Single item price
    (exclulded VAT) EUR

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