LED alarm clock bamboo casing

Product ID code: 100215073 - 40

White LED time display alarm clock and temperature display in bamboo casing. 4 x AAA batteries not supplied or AC-DC 2 pin plug adapter included. Not suitable for UK use. Bamboo is a natural product, there may be slight variations in colour and size per item, which can affect the final decoration outcome.

€ 8,58

Unir price (price for 1000 products with cheaper printing)

Available colors

Availability Marrone: 0

Currently, this product is out of stock in any variant.

Product configuration

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Print position
LED alarm clock bamboo casing top 40


50 mm

50 mm

LED alarm clock bamboo casing right 40


50 mm

50 mm

LED alarm clock bamboo casing left 40


50 mm

50 mm

LED alarm clock bamboo casing bottom 40


50 mm

50 mm

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  • Print price EUR
  • Neutral item price EUR
  • Total price excluding VAT EUR
  • Single item price
    (exclulded VAT) EUR

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