Ombrelli e Meteo

Personalized Umbrellas and Ponchos

A rich catalog of Customizable Umbrellas to satisfy even the most demanding tastes

Ombrelli e Meteo

Personalized Umbrellas and Ponchos

A rich catalog of Customizable Umbrellas to satisfy even the most demanding tastes

Customizable umbrellas: to each his own!

Promo77 offers a rich catalog of Customizable Umbrellas that satisfy even the most demanding tastes, this not only from the aesthetic point of view, but also from the functional one. Models, in fact, vary not only in size or number of panels but can have different mechanisms.
Those who opt for Automatic Umbrellas prefer models, made of strong metal, particularly durable. Some have an elegant, classically shaped wooden handle while others have a long, straight or C-shaped handle.
A two-tone umbrella, a rainbow one or another in bright yellow or a bright fiery red gives a cheerful note when the weather is dreary but those who wish to make a more traditional choice can opt for classic hues such as black or blue.
If the choice falls instead on Folding Umbrellas will give the option of storing them in your bag to have them on hand for every eventuality, with manual or automatic opening they represent a great convenience. Both classic and folding umbrellas, then, can be windproof, which makes them especially durable. Great appreciation also for the Maxi Umbrella with which it is possible for two people to walk around in the rain.

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18 inch kids umbrella

Starting from € 5,23

19 inch foldable umbrella

Starting from € 8,31

21 inch 2 fold umbrella

Starting from € 8,13

21 inch foldable umbrella

Starting from € 7,73

21 inch foldable umbrella

Starting from € 16,60

21 inch Foldable umbrella

Starting from € 5,20

21 inch RPET foldable umbrella

Starting from € 8,24

21 inch RPET umbrella set

Starting from € 9,16

23 inch 190T RPET umbrella

Starting from € 12,25

23 inch foldable umbrella

Starting from € 12,37

23 inch reflective umbrella

Starting from € 11,58

23 inch transparent umbrella

Starting from € 7,13

Cheap Custom Umbrellas for corporate branding

Giving away Cheap Customized Umbrellas with your company's logo implements a marketing operation that puts your brand in the public eye. Both business partners and internal employees know that an umbrella is always needed and is very useful; in fact, they buy umbrellas all the time because they are lent (and never returned) or because they are lost. This gift allows customers to remember the company for possible work projects while for employees it becomes a nice incentive, to be given at the end of the year or at an event

Not Just Umbrellas: Custom Poncho

The personalization of the gadget can be done either on a small surface or on a large and extensive one such as an umbrella or a poncho where it will be very visible. The Folding Poncho takes up little space and can be pocket-sized, in the biodegradable type it is also environmentally friendly and therefore will shelter from sudden rains without polluting the planet.
It can be made of Peva, a durable plastic material, declined in bright colors and ideal in emergencies, but if you want to impress you can opt for the one equipped with a balloon-shaped case and accessorized with a carabiner. The decidedly low cost makes it a perfect gadget for an advertisement that never ends.

How to customize an umbrella?

For the company holding an advertising promotion in spring, winter or fall, seasons when rains may be present, the logo umbrella is a very valuable gadget. Personalizing an umbrella, then, does not involve any difficulty because a printing technique is available for each material.
The choice of the product can be made through the catalog, going to the page dedicated to the Umbrellas and Weather category, where you can select the product, color variants, quantity and location of printing. These items are used to calculate the quote that Promo77 sends in 24-48 hours maximum.

Shipping and Delivery of Personalized Umbrellas with Logo

Sending the order of the items, Promo77 will package them in timelines that may vary. If the products do not need to be customized, they are shipped in 3 to 4 business days. If, on the other hand, the products require printing, the shipping time is normally 7 to 8 working days from confirmation of the draft.
The speed with which you receive the finished product is due to the organizational capabilities of Promo77, which has a very large stock of items in its warehouse. In case, however, the order involves a particularly large number of items, production and packaging may take slightly longer. For a particular customer urgency or for an imperative delivery, you can get in touch with Support via the phone number or contact form available on the site.