Paper straw hat

Product ID code: 100446030 - 10

Paper straw hat with coloured polyester band. For unprinted orders the band will be supplied unattached to the items.

€ 2,80

Unir price (price for 1000 products with cheaper printing)

Available colors

Availability Arancione: 22693

Product configuration

Choose the color of the product and enter the quantity

Choose the print positions

Print position
Paper straw hat band 10


300 mm

15 mm

Paper straw hat band transfer 10


420 mm

15 mm

Paper straw hat band sublimation 10


420 mm

25 mm

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Your quote

  • Print price EUR
  • Neutral item price EUR
  • Total price excluding VAT EUR
  • Single item price
    (exclulded VAT) EUR

Product added

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