3W Bamboo wireless speaker
Product ID code: 100862303 - 40
5.0 wireless speaker with bamboo casing with LED light indication. 1 Rechargeable Li-Pol 300 mAh battery included. Output data: 3W, 3 Ohm and 5V. Playing time approx. 4h (70% volume). Type C. Bamboo is a natural product, there may be slight variations in colour and size per item, which can affect the final decoration outcome.
€ 11,29
Unir price (price for 1000 products with cheaper printing)
Availability Marrone: 330
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50 mm
20 mm

20 mm
80 mm

20 mm
80 mm

50 mm
70 mm
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- Print price EUR
- Neutral item price EUR
- Total price excluding VAT EUR
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(exclulded VAT) EUR
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